1.install new version spb shell (3.7.2 Build 673) or other version
2.download this pack “SPBShell iOS 4.5 pack.zip”
3.extract it to your mobile
4. Now install the Theme
5.copy “SPBShell” folder to your phone ,in E/other (E/other/SPBShell)
6.copy “Settings.set” file and wallpaper to your phone( in E/image/pictures/spbshell)
7.run Spbshell app
8. go to setting in your spb shell and select restore setting,then select “ettings.set” file
9. Now change the background
10.Enjoy it
v3.7.2 Build 673
Image Tutorial
At first Download and Extract the SPBShell iOS 4.5 pack.zip on your device
Install SPB shell_3.7.2
open SPB shell and go to setting and click "exit shell"
copy "spbshell " folder from extracted (SPBShell iOS 4.5 pack.zip) to E /other/spbshell
copy " SPBSettings " folder from extracted SPBShell iOS 4.5 pack.zip to E/ images/picture msgs
Now open SpbShell
Click on the Menu
click on settings
click restore settings
enter on memory card
click on Images
enter folder "picture msgs"
open folder spbsettings ।
select this file।
now wait
now your nokia S60v5 turned to Iphone 4
then how we will able to get back to our old position..i mean how we can come back to iphone4 to Nokia S60v5